a place of joy, peace, and happiness

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Saccharomyces cerevisae 2 Robin 0

In our last episode Robin had attempted to make the highly elusive sourdough bread. The San Fransisco style no less. As I typed away in the early morning hours I was chuckling to myself about how comical mistakes can be. But as the day grew longer, and the temperature grew higher, my attitude began to change. Would I let some little saccharomyces cerevisae beat me?? Would I allow a bunch of FUNGI drop me to my cooking knees? I think NOT! EVERYONE boo-boo's their first attempt. I had not really focused during yesterday's venture. I was still suffering car-lag from visiting my new grand baby. I was not some whimpie JR. Girl Scout. I was a seasoned wife, with over 32 years under my belt. Come ON! I could throw dough with the best of them! I was gonna conquer that bit of yeast. The tables were turned!
So LATE LAST NIGHT, as per directions, I took some starter, flour, water, and salt, and kneaded it until the counter top was screaming. My elbows had given out, but I had a nice, smooth, organized, calm, ball of sourdough. I wet a crisp, white cloth with water, covered the dough, and turned off the light.
If you had tuned in for yesterdays show, you would have known that I am now a master at FAGE, properly pronounce fa yeh. I was so impressed with myself, that I served this Greek Yogurt for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Is is soooo versatile! It has multipurposes. Yogurt, sour cream, mayo, on cereal, waffles, pancakes, with sugar and fruit, with honey, this stuff is AMAZING! Anyway, we had eaten most of the quart, sooo it was time to show my expertise again. I heated up 1/2 gallon of milk, slipped in 1/2 cup of some of the homemade yogurt I had left, shook it up a bit, wrapped it in a blanket, and carefully placed it in a cooler with it's favorite toys, two hot water bottles. I blew everybody a kiss and went to bed.
In the morning I fought the urge to race to the kitchen. The milk had cultured all night and again I had a huge jar of fresh FAGE.
And on the counter was a pudgy little round ball with dimples! It was so cute, and had that tangy smell of SOUR DOUGH! The next step was to punch the poor thing, reshape, slice and X in the top and let rise for 4 more hours then bake.
But wait there's more!
I'm gettin' in the food group grove now! Why not try something else? I had read a recipe for homemade granola. It called for corn syrup, nuts, grains, ovens, oats, germs, and wrinkled fruits. After checking my pantry, I threw some oatmeal, honey and wheat germ on a cookie sheet and set it on top of the meatloaf that was already occupying my 350 degree oven. After 20 minutes the oats looked nice and toasty, tasted great, and I quickly ate all the 'chunks' before anyone saw me. My daughter ate two bowls, I ate a bowl, and my husband asked if this was cheaper to make than horse feed! I imagined that this cereal would be so nice with my FAGE and some fresh picked mulberries. I need my own cooking show!!!!
Then another idea, who's roots come from wanting to feed more healthful foods to my loved ones, came to me like a cabbage in the night. SPROUTS! The new super food on the horizon a few years ago was SPROUTS! These little greens are filled from top to the bottom with all kinds of vitamins and mineral you do not find in Doritos! Just a handful gives you the energy of a big bowl of salad. Think of all the Ranch dressing you could save!!!!!
So again I view the source of all knowledge, the Internet, and found YES YES YES, I CAN GROW SPROUTS IN THE PRIVACY OF MY OWN HOME. & I do not have to buy any type of machine! Sprouts can grow in any room of my house, facing any direction I choose. They don't even LIKE the light! So while my sour dough was rising, I thought I'd just run out to my handy dandy Farm King and get some organic sprout type seeds......................
Being a former Queen Of Multi Tasking, I decided to do a few errands while I was out. Farm King also carries vaccinations for my horses and flee medicine for my dogs. When I strolled down to the pet department and nice man in a red vest asked if I needed any help. "Yes, I need two 4-in-1 Rhino virus, 2 equine rabies, and 2 west nile booster vaccines." The fella unlocked the special refrigerated display case. While he was sorting through the hypodermics he mentioned that you can only get the rabies shot from the vet across the street. He then turned, took the meds, and placed them in a big, plastic, blue box. With interest I watched as he took two 5 inch locks and locked each side of the box, and handed the ginormous parcel to me and queried, "Anything else"? Pretending that this was normal, I just nodded my head, and waddled toward the checkout. While I was writing my check I asked the gal about the 'security". Were they afraid I would stab someone with the shots? Did they think I was a vaccine junkie and would 'shoot-up' in the ladies room? The gal informed me that by law they have to treat equine vaccines with the same precautions as hand guns. WOW! I am sure glad I live in a state where not just any Tom, Dick, or Harry can buy, carry, and use booster shots!!! I am now listed in the store computer, and the powers that be can monitor my equine purchases. It made me wonder if some little guy sells medicinal vaccines out of his trunk on dark nights in the city....................
Anyway, we need to get back to the BREAD story...............
Let's speed this up.
I went to the vet & got the rabies stuff. Then went back to Farm King, because in the shock of getting the controlled substance I had forgot the SPROUTS & the flee medicine. Much to my shock, Front Line Flee & Tick drops ARE ALSO A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. Heaven forbid some KID could just walk around the store holding the box. OH NO! NOT in this state! Again I got to lug a huge blue tote holding a 2 oz. box of flee stuff, with 2 locks securely keeping America safe for future generation.
Now for the SPROUTS. They have 3.7 million seeds for sale in this store, boxes, bags, sachets, rolls, and loose. I was looking for alfalfa, clover, radish, or mug beans. Organic with no junk sprayed on it. I was going to eat these buggers, not plant 'em. I asked a helpful salesperson which products were organic. She asked another helpful sales persons, who said, "ASK LON". Oh my, THAT would be an entirely different blog. Just his name sends shivers down my spine! So I bought 3 different kinds of seeds, and will tackle that mess later!
OH, I almost forgot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Being a teacher, I love learning. So I decided to peruse some sites about sour dough. During the gold rush in Alaska, sour dough starter or 'sponge' as the liked to call it, brought more money per oz. than gold! Well, this highly informative site also gave directions for Sour Dough Blueberry Pancakes! I was impressed just READING the directions. I wanted that feather in my cap, yep,the I-made-sour-dough-blueberry-pancakes feather. I went ahead and made them this morning. They looked and tasted good, not great, and after cleaning up the mess I knew why folks by instant pancake mix...........................
OK! I am still running errand and YIKES! It is time to bake the bread. Luckily my daughter, Boo, was home. I called, gave instructions, and finished my list.
Now this list included items for a dessert party tonight, 2 pies for the pie ministry, more homemade granola, and a fruit basket for a special evangelist who will be preaching tonight.
When I got home I immediately trotted to the kitchen to view the bread. It was no where to be seen. Boo said it did not look done when the timer went off, and was giving it a few more minutes. I peaked in the oven, and my spirits fell. The flat, lifeless bread was thin, pale, and sickly. It looked like someone had let the air out of it and left it on the road to rot! It was even more pathetic than yesterdays loaf. When I tried to slice it, it actually broke the knife I had just bought at a yard sale for a dollar!!!!!!! It tasted horrible, even when I dipped it in some expensive presto. It is sitting on the counter right now, getting dried out, so I can feed it to the birds.

Strike Two!

I'm gonna go eat some yogurt and regroup.....

I think I am becoming a foodie!!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I killed ''em.
With a twist of the wrist, and a mind elsewhere, it was over in about 5.3 minutes. I then spent the next 8 hours trying to resuscitate the dying mass, to no avail...........
But let me start at the beginning, where all good murder mysteries open..
I had just gotten back from visiting my daughter. She had mastered the art of sourdough bread making, and had sent me home with some 'starter' in a Tupperware. This 7 letter word entails water, yeast, flour, sugar, time, talent, and treasure! This precious cargo was wrapped, coddled, and about strapped into a car seat.
Since I was aching to return to the Happy Homemaker mode, I decided to tackle this new project right away. After looking at the official San Fransisco Sourdough Bread recipe, I was ready to rumble......
Step One: Take out cup of starter, and let it come to room temperature.
Step Two: The remaining starter will miss it's friends, so it must be fed. 3/4 cup of flour and 3/4 cup of distilled water will keep it happy for a few days sitting in the cool fridge.
Step Three: Make first mistake. OK, I wanted to use my bread machine's 'dough' cycle since it really kneads the snot out of the flour. While it was humming away, I got another BRIGHT idea.....
Step Four: I like this new, extremely expensive yogurt called FAGE. It is all natural & tastes amazing, even without fruit, sugar, corn syrup, MSG, chemicals, or pectin. FACE is Greek for, "three different kinds of fungi swimming in milk". YUM!
Anyway, I went to the source of all knowledge, the Internet, to see how this happy housewife could produce this fabulous product in privacy of her own kitchen.
Now let me insert here that I really felt God's leading since JUST THE NIGHT BEFORE someone had given me a gallon of fresh from the farm cow milk. I will here after refer to this product by the code word 'moo', since it may be a controlled substance, & I don't want to be arrested by the Moo Police! I had thought of making butter with the 'moo' since there was about 5 inches of 'moo' cream that had risen to the top, but I had done that dozens of times, and today was a day for adventures!
So, back on the farm.......
The directions to fresh yogurt were ridiculously easy. Heat milk, let cool, add some good yogurt, let sit in 90-100 degrees forever, and walla ~FAGE! It took longer than I though to heat a quart of milk over low low low heat. It would have been a bit quicker using a flashlight. But eventually the correct temperature of 180 degrees was reached, and then it was time to watch it cool to a tepid 100. While this is going on, the 1/2 cup of all-natural-plain-yogurt was warming up on the counter. Eventually the milk cooled and the 'gurt' warmed, and they were mixed in an old 1/2 gallon mason jar. Then this new concoction was wrapped in a blanket, tucked in, and placed out of the sun on the back porch. The directions said to keep the soon-to-be-yogurt warm. It was very warm outside. 112 degrees with the humidity. I would check on this baby in about 6 hours.
Step Five: By now the dough cycle was done and I was ready to proceed. Next step, let the blob double in size in, you guessed it, a nice warm spot. I did not guess, though, that this would take 12 hours!!! Then you shape the loaf, slash it with a knife a few times, let rise AGAIN for 4 hours, then bake in a 400 degree oven!!! YIKES!! We would be having hot from the oven bread at 3am! Right then and there I should have stuffed that white, bald, glob in the trash, and RUSHED to the nearest grocery and BOUGHT a loaf of THEIR sourdough bread. But no, I was on a mission. No offspring of mine was gonna conquer a culinary feat without me! Forge ahead.............
Step Six: The instructions encourage the cook to place the dough in a greased bowl, cover with a warm damp towel, cover with plastic wrap, place in a pre-warmed 100 degree oven, put a bowl of warm water under the other bowl, then close the door and check ever so often to make sure everything is just right for the next 12 hours. I've had newborns that took less care. I faithfully set the oven timer, and every hour rushed in to check the water, temperature, and happiness level of my bread!!!! This was getting ridiculous...
Step Seven: At 5:00 it was time think about what to cook for dinner. It was then I got "THE IDEA". At the time it seemed like a good idea, but fate would prove me wrong. Oh so wrong. I figured that since the bread had risen 8 hours already, when cooked, it would be edible. I wanted to present my family with this labor of love, this work of art, this whole day project of gluten. I could speed up the yeast growth in this lump, I could probably bake it in about an hour. I intended to pre-heat the oven again, add some more hot water, shape the loaf, and let Mother Nature do her job. I pushed the 'On' button, and began to refill the bowl................
Step Eight: BOOM! Was that thunder? YIKES! A storm had quickly blown in and it was raining like crazy, the wind was whipping, and my pour yogurt was lost out in the flood! The poor thing was soaking wet, cold, damp, and whining. After wrapping it in a new clean towel, I figured the bestest place for it would be next to the bread in the warm oven.
Step Nine: So while the storm is raging, this Susie Homemaker is frying her husbands favorite meat, tearing bits of lettuce, and chopping helpless veggies. With all this destruction, it is no wonder what happen next..............................
Step Ten: BEEP, BEEP... Oh my, the oven!! It was pre-heated. BUT in my distress over my poor wayward FAGE, I had forgotten to set the temp to 100 and it was on the default temp of 350!!!!!!! Way way to high for my yeast and mold to live!!!!!!! I quickly pulled them from the firey inferno and set them on counter as tear streamed down my cheeks.
I had killed 'em.....
Step Eleven: We ate dinner in silence. The sadness of the situation gripped us all. Not really, but I was sure cross at myself for spending 400 hours working on some nice stuff for NOTHING!
Step Twelve: After eating and washing dishes it was time to regroup! My pathetic, dead moo and flour had not moved. But would I quit? never! Should I quit? probably. But I am an American Housewife. We look in the face of trials and laugh. We figure out ways to salvage the unsalvageable. It was time to reach down, dig deep, and restore order to the mess. I need to get my rear in gear, stop sniffling, and get the job done!
Step Thirteen: By now the moo had cooled a bit. Hummmmmm, why not just add a bit more yogurt and see what happens? Another 1/2 cup, another towel lovingly wrapped around the jar. I cradled the jar and laid it down carefully in a cooler. I then added two, filled hot water bottles, said good night, and closed the lid.
Step Fourteen: The bread was another story. But it was too noble a bread to be tossed out the back door to the chickens. I decided it deserved a chance to live. So I added some more flour. Patted it, put it in a pan, and stuffed it in the oven for the night.
Step Fifteen: It is now 5am. I couldn't wait to see if my friends had survived. With anticipation boardering on 'tizzy', I peeked in the cooler. YES! FAGE was staring me in the face. It is perfect! It looks smells and tastes like the real thing. Right now it is cooling in the fridge and will be part of a balanced breakfast in a few hours!!!
Step Sixteen: The bread's dead. It has not moved in 10 hours. There is no life left. Oh well, I tried. Right now it is cooking into a hard, rock, mass, that my dogs can use to clean the tartar off their teeth.
I learned a few things from this event. Things like- it is fun to learn new skill; they keep you young. Ideas like- I am very proud my daughter is a better cook than me. Thoughts like- I will continue to make mistakes, that's OK.
I can't wait 'til breakfast. And later on I am going to the store to get some fresh made sourdough bread.
It's gonna be a great day......................................
Psalm 118:24
This is the day which the LORD hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Monday, June 14, 2010


E Sunday School June 13, 2010

Mornin’ Wonderful Friend! I will be visiting my daughter Rachel this week and my grandbaby KYLA! I pray for you faithfully and think of you often. I told you about the kick-off of E Sunday School. Here is a sample:

Once upon a time, a young lady and her mate lived in Paradise. They wanted for NOTHING! Both loved the Lord, and had daily devotions together. The man was self employed, the gal a housewife. They had no financial, family, or health issues. It was a perfect life.
One day the woman was looking out her kitchen window, and she saw something she really wanted. She wanted it so badly, that she thought and looked, and mused, and thought some more of a way she could get it. She really needed it. She really wanted it. She deserved it. It was right and easy for her to get! Logically it was PERFECT for her. Low and behold her plan worked! Then her husband returned home for the day, the gal jumped up and down, was so proud to show her new possession, & offered to share with him.
BUT, the tale does not end there. To make a long story short, her misplaced zeal eventually cause her to loose her home, her husbands job, and they had to move to a distant place. The couple stayed together, but their marriage was never as fun or sweet as before. They had a few kids, and one of them followed her example of wanting his own way. This son argued with his brother one day. Blood was shed and the brother died.
You probably can guess that the gal we are talking about is our sister Eve, and her blood is still running through our veins. The devil is still out there using the same tempting tricks, trying to get us to make horrible decisions that seem so right. Then we wonder why our marriages are not close, our husbands are discontent, our children run from God and all the while we sit in despair and claim, “I was really trying to do right!”
Let’s look at how the great deceiver tries to trip up us girls, so we can better avoid his awful traps.

1. “I need it!”
You need food & clothing. But you don’t need to go over budget. You don’t need to ‘save’ your husband money on sale items. You don’t need to be in charge.

2. “I deserve it!”
What do you really deserve? Lake of Fire? Once you start thinking, “I work hard, I do all this stuff, I can’t ___________ without_______________,” Satan has you. Then you deserve $$$, affection out side of marriage, material possessions, fame, fortune, and a new car!

3. “It is logical!”
How many times do I have to say, “STOP THINKING”. We are so smart we can justify ANYTHING. Sure it is logical to not tithe. But it is NOT biblical. And once Satan has you in his sights, he will use the same trick over and over. Eve thought her logic trumped God’s Word, and we are doing the same thing today.

4. “It is OK!”
The devil just wants you to do ONE little thing your way rather than God’s way. Just one. Just little. ONE mile over the speed limit is speeding. ONE item that the grocery store charges you less for and you do not say anything is stealing. ONE time you lay out of church is disobedience. ONE penny of tithe you keep is wrong. ONE out- fit that is not modest is not right. We gals get deceived! Here is how you can test YOURSELF to see if you are deceived: Anything, anything, anything, you do say or think that does NOT line up with God’s Word~ and you think it is, “OK“, “God does not mind“, “Nothing will happen“, “Everyone else is doing it“, “I don’t see it“, “I don’t believe it“, “I don’t see it that way“, YOU ARE DECEIVED……………….
Once you are deceived, the devil just keeps heaping more and more deception on you to where you are out of church, out of soul-winning, out of your marriage, out of motherhood, and into a big snare the rest of you life. And that life will be filled to the brim with bitterness, and confusion. All the while you will be like Eve saying, “What happened? I did the best I could”

Take time this week to read Genesis 3. Be aware that there is still someone out there trying to get your thinking wrong, your decisions wrong, and your relationship with God wrong so he can ruin your family.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

E Sunday School

I am starting a new ministry this week, drum roll please: E Sunday School!!!!!!! Each week I can send you my prayerfully prepared lesson, prayer requests from class, memory verse, and any important news. Just let me know, & I will be HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY, to email you the package on Monday!!! Regular class members don't worry, you will get it automatically when you miss (ouch) Sunday School so you will not feel out of the loop.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It did not take much time or effort to prepare the place for the party, but it was so wonderful to enjoy the next 7 hours!!!!!!

I could not help but ponder on how my Lord is preparing a place for me. John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. He has been working since he ascended into heaven. We will enjoy HIM for more that 7 hours, more than 7 years, more like all eternity. I can't wait!

How about you? Is Jesus preparing a place for you? Very important question, with a 'yes' or 'no' answer.

Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14:6)

Good works cannot save you.

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me."

Trust Jesus Christ today! Here's what you must do:
  1. Admit you are a sinner.

    "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" (Romans 3:23)

  2. Believe that Jesus Christ died for you, was buried, and rose from the dead.

    "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

    "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." (Romans 10:9)

  3. Through prayer, invite Jesus into your life to become your personal Saviour.

    "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." (Romans 10:10)

    "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Romans 10:13)

What to pray:

Dear God, I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I am trusting Jesus Christ, who shed His precious blood, to take me to Heaven when I die. I now invite Christ to come into my heart and life as my personal Saviour. Thank you for saving me. AMEN!

It is that simple! Settle the question today!

Now for you who have already accepted Christ as their Saviour, let's invite some folks to come over with us!

i am sooooo blessed, thank you LORD!

Time to set the table. Eat outside for sure! Even if it is raining. Be informal, use an old door, wooden table, or haul out your kitchen set. I collect white dishes. This makes it very easy to know what to look for at Good Will. I also just use clear glass items drink out of. I have jars, stem ware, and some old mugs. My silverware is also miss-matched. That's OK, I can serve about 40 folks, and it has a quaint shabby chic look.
My green contribution is to use linen napkins. White, of course, to match all the white table clothes I have. A stroll in the yard yielded some Queen Ann's Lace for the table & long blades of grass to tie around the cloth before they were placed on the plates. The setting looked both informal, relaxed and classic all at the same time. Maybe a better word is inviting....